ForeverRaindrops33 · 31-35, F
@FitAndTrimYetThick: it's all a bit of a mess really. I met someone and we became super close, spoke every day. But then I started seeing someone and my online friend started acting weird and ended up telling me they had more than friend feelings for me. I understood what he meant but we were different sides of the world and it would have been impossible so we decided to take a break from each other so that it forced us to move on. He told me that he would delete my number so that he wasn't tempted to text me, especially when drunk but made me promise that I'd text him if I needed to or felt it was time to try and be friends again. A few months later I had my phone stolen so I lost his number and now I can't get back in touch ever. 🙁
So sorry to hear that.
So sorry to hear that.
mrmoose · 70-79, M
me too, miss her alot

There is a strong possibility they may find us here. I miss EP too

I can relate to this :(
OrangeLettuce · 46-50, F
Me too 😢
astrosandorbits · 26-30, M
Do you remember the name of the person or the account name of the person on EP?
Afterdark · 56-60, M
Maybe they will find you here
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ForeverRaindrops33 · 31-35, F
@Cutefeetlover: 🖕
ForeverRaindrops33 · 31-35, F
@Cutefeetlover: what the hell do you know about it? Judgemental ass much????
mrmoose · 70-79, M
@ForeverRaindrops33: he's an ass
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ForeverRaindrops33 · 31-35, F
@Cutefeetlover: im not surprised you have trouble grasping the concept as i imagine nobody has ever been even a little heartbroken to lose touch with someone as rude as you. Next time you stick your troll nose into someone's business maybe you should try and open your mind just a tiny bit and not just assume you know everything.