ReasonablyInsane · 26-30, M
Well even if this site was identical (which means they need to add a reply button for comments!), it seems kinda like love. Your first was the one you saw all the beauty in, but then they slapped you and then you never felt the same way about anyone else.
Visaic · 31-35, M
A lot has changed since I was on EP (that makes me sound old... I'm not :P ), and I don't feel the same connection to people here as I did on there, but I suppose I'll take what I can get.
coary987 · M
Why can't you do it hear young man??
I actually like this site better.. ep was boring I thought.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Ep was cool. Too bad it died. SW was cool too but it has become full of haters hate hate hate
gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
I agree.Try as it may, this site is lame compared to EP,But like a battered spouse,I come back for more.