This profile may contain Mildly Adult content.
Taking life one day at a time.
About Me About Me NotesThe Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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matureaura · 41-45, F
SW stores incoming messages from other users that aren't your friend in the ''Requests'' folder under messaging.
OogieBoogie · F

Only gesture available that kinda relates: just want to say i really adore the eye you have for capturing the beauty of nature and its glorious light.
Have seen your photos km posts ....just.....moment stopping! Each one has 'essence', the choice of focus, the composition , the light got it man !
The eye to see natures stunning artistry !
Some capture it by chance, you you somehow manage to frame each one into a meditative moment.
Truly beautiful 💜
Have seen your photos km posts ....just.....moment stopping! Each one has 'essence', the choice of focus, the composition , the light got it man !
The eye to see natures stunning artistry !
Some capture it by chance, you you somehow manage to frame each one into a meditative moment.
Truly beautiful 💜
@OogieBoogie kind words. Thanks so much!
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
JohnOinger thinks you are Awesome.

@JohnOinger Nah... just a beer swilling,retired firefighter and USAF vet, As my great friend said, “It bees that way, sometimes!”
Thanks for the kudos!
Thanks for the kudos!
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@soar2newhighs Your Welcome 🙂