ArishMell · 70-79, M
What is "wrong" is that your reaction is exactly what the cynical, greedy manufacturers of nicotine-vapour products intend.
Nicotine is very powerfully addictive, and although the skin-patches and vapour products were invented to help smokers abandon tobacco - with its own range of very serious health dangers - the makers soon spotted they can easily and rapidly turn even hitherto non-smokers into addicts.
Most of the vapour products are therefore stronger than most tobacco products, and sold with enticing flavours, often from brightly lit but cheap-looking shops intended to entice customers.
Worse, a lot of these things are made with little or no care for safety and quality-control, so even if the nicotine, flavouring and solvent are not intrinsically toxic (as far as yet known) the liquids often contain toxic contaminants.
Regarding the shops, there is a serious legal loophole here in the UK.
I don't know if this occurs in other countries, but here all tobacco and nicotine products sold in normal shops have to be dispensed from secure cabinets behind the counter, not picked off the shelf by the customer; and the staff need be sure the buyer is legally old enough.
(18+, or 16+? I am not sure, but the shop assistant is expected to request proof of age if in doubt. Sales to minors is itself an offence.)
Rightly so, yet the law has not caught up and outlawed the sleazy "vape" shops that seem able to open quite freely, as if sweet shops; and also to smash the Internet sales of such products sold quite deliberately, sometimes disguised as sweets, to children.
What happened to you is exactly what the parasites who make the "vapes" want - a craving for more.
Have the courage and self-respect to say "NO!"
Nicotine is very powerfully addictive, and although the skin-patches and vapour products were invented to help smokers abandon tobacco - with its own range of very serious health dangers - the makers soon spotted they can easily and rapidly turn even hitherto non-smokers into addicts.
Most of the vapour products are therefore stronger than most tobacco products, and sold with enticing flavours, often from brightly lit but cheap-looking shops intended to entice customers.
Worse, a lot of these things are made with little or no care for safety and quality-control, so even if the nicotine, flavouring and solvent are not intrinsically toxic (as far as yet known) the liquids often contain toxic contaminants.
Regarding the shops, there is a serious legal loophole here in the UK.
I don't know if this occurs in other countries, but here all tobacco and nicotine products sold in normal shops have to be dispensed from secure cabinets behind the counter, not picked off the shelf by the customer; and the staff need be sure the buyer is legally old enough.
(18+, or 16+? I am not sure, but the shop assistant is expected to request proof of age if in doubt. Sales to minors is itself an offence.)
Rightly so, yet the law has not caught up and outlawed the sleazy "vape" shops that seem able to open quite freely, as if sweet shops; and also to smash the Internet sales of such products sold quite deliberately, sometimes disguised as sweets, to children.
What happened to you is exactly what the parasites who make the "vapes" want - a craving for more.
Have the courage and self-respect to say "NO!"
YoMomma ·
Are you going to switch?

Thats bad news…
…better stop trying things….that will ruin you at the end
Thats bad news…
…better stop trying things….that will ruin you at the end
candycane · 36-40, F
It's addicting just like your cigarettes, was it thc or nicotine?
apersonnamedit · 26-30, T
@candycane nicotine