When did you start smoking mate?
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Smokelover15 · 31-35, F
@Jogadnbyt I became a 2 pack a day smoker in a month, my mom force me to smoke and since the day I asked for a cigarette I became really addicted
@Smokelover15 your mom, thought you were uk mate? Why did your mum force you you think?, to try and put you off,? A punishment?
Smokelover15 · 31-35, F
@Jogadnbyt oops 🙊 sorry and no she wanted me to become a smoker
olern · 22-25, M
Do you think is beneficial for kids to smoke and if so do you let your kids smoke?
olern · 22-25, M
@Smokelover15 how much do you and your kids smoke a day?
Smokelover15 · 31-35, F
@olern I smoke up to none packs and my kids smoke from 3 to 6, the oldest smoke 5-6
Smokelover15 · 31-35, F