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Set and setting [I Had A Bad Trip On LSD]

Yes,kids,several bummers occured along the way in my trailblazing days of dropping more hits than a prudent space cadet should.The last one was a spectacular mind-bending meltdown when a good dozen or 20 drops of fresh potent liquid acid unexpectedly found their way into beers I was throwing down.That was a doozie! Eventually I managed to walk all the way to town and just around dawn as the fog was glistening,breathing and subtly kaliedoscoping I managed to count out enough coin for a perfect cup of coffee,which did ramp up the visuals a bit,but also assured me that reality was returning and that Alien/Hells Angel/Zombie death squads were no longer in pursuit of my glowing,overloaded and smoldering mind.

So I recommend caution with that stuff,you dig?

Jeffery Lewis knows about this topic also :

This one other time an orange saved me,I swear.I ate the entire thing,peel and all,crying tears of relief while standing in line to enter a Grateful Dead show in Philly.My psychic entrainment with the band that evening caused me to call out every song in the second set before they played it,or even hinted at it,dude.The couple two seats over from me can verify this.

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