SammyJo · 51-55, F
Heroin, what to say? I think @redredred said it best with '..a huge rush followed by a deep calm..', but I'll add to that and say that it adds a comfortable warmth too...almost like snuggling in a blanket....and then, especially on those first times, generally comes the vomitting.....
Highly addictive, obviously. I gave all that stuff up - I only occasionally did H, mostly doing lines of coke - when my youngest daughter was 2 years old...
Coffee and cigarettes? Yup, those are my vices these days...
SJD xx
Highly addictive, obviously. I gave all that stuff up - I only occasionally did H, mostly doing lines of coke - when my youngest daughter was 2 years old...
Coffee and cigarettes? Yup, those are my vices these days...
SJD xx
Andromedanian · 26-30, M
@SammyJo wow, how did you quit?
SammyJo · 51-55, F
@Andromedanian I rarely did it so it was pretty easy, but I did coke more. I mostly binged on that then stopped, concentrated on my exercise and overcome it that way. It wasn't easy, but that was over 6 years ago now.
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Ingwe · F
powdery I would guess
Andromedanian · 26-30, M
@Ingwe hahaha, good one!
redredred · M
The first time? A huge rush followed by a deep calm. After that I have no idea. I got offered a line of coke that turned out to be heroin. It was actually great but I resolved never to do it again. Shortly after that I gave up all recreational chemistry including one of the worst, alcohol.
Black coffee is my only drug of choice these days.
Black coffee is my only drug of choice these days.
Andromedanian · 26-30, M
@redredred right? I've found that alcohol often times tends to be even more damaging, harder on the body and more difficult to quit than the "harder" drugs,
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I dunno. Maybe like
Absence of pain. Including mental pain but it's short lived.


PrincessKpop · 22-25, F
Warm and comforting numbness to start with untill you become addicted then its just so demanding
2cool4school · 46-50, F
The warmest softest hug you ever had.