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Ever been drunk like this ?

Last night, my girlfriend went out partying and ended up becoming incredibly intoxicated. Usually, she's aware of when alcohol is affecting her and moderates her intake accordingly, but last night she couldn't control it.

During her drunk state, she began making all sorts of remarks to both her family and strangers about our relationship. She initially started by telling everyone that I'm unfaithful, neglectful, and indifferent towards her. Despite her family's attempts to make her stop, she continued with these claims. Eventually, she even went as far as saying that she was planning to visit me, but I wouldn't bother taking her out on dates. She was solely focused on our relationship throughout the entire night, and her behavior ended up embarrassing us and now she’s sending a terrible image of me to her family.

I told her she is in big trouble when she wakes up but obviously she won’t. I’ll just tell her what happened as I’m sure she won’t remember and it’ll serve her as a lesson to not drink too much again.
As for her claims about me, I’m pretty sure that’s how she feels unconsciously or consciously so there’s that to talk about as well.

It is what it is. Lol

I haven’t been drunk for years !
ArtieKat · M
she even went as far as saying that she was planning to visit me
I'm confused - were you with her on her bender?
Strawbsy · 26-30, F
@ArtieKat First it started as her sending me voice notes. Then I called her and I was able to contemplate the mess she did. Apparently she’s in trouble with quite a few people she partied with 🙄 I had her family apologizing on her behalf too once they took the phone away from her.
Miss is now hungover and terribly sorry and embarrassed according to her claims 😂

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