@AmandaArkansas complete garbage, the only teenage girl I ever spanked what's 18 and came to stay with me and I only spanked her because she wouldn't act right. Even when she was 18 and staying with me, I did not spank her for fun or abuse her.
you simply attack anyone who says something you don't like, because you know that you're guilty
@AmandaArkansas I think you're the one that needs a spanking young lady...getting drunk is bad, and so is selling nude pictures of yourself.
It's also really not nice to be mean to a woman who is trying to be a kind good influence on you.
Best be glad you're not my daughter, you'd be getting your bare bottom busted with my thick leather belt until you were screaming between the bullying and alcohol and nude pics.
ok, then look at this. Here´s a psyco bitch on SW that tell stories about spanking her little daugther all the day and show pics of her, let all the perv assholes around here wank on it.
That´s one of that pics, the girl on it is 11 years old. And here is the JoeJoe83 comment on it
And now tell me again that your not pedophile, sucker!!!!
@JoeJoe83 I'm not a mid thirty guy who like elven year old girl butts, thats you, you dirty pervet freak!!! You're a fucking pedophile!!! Everybody can see the proof!!! so shut your fucking mouth ,asshole!!! I hope you end in prison!!!