I have family who suffer from addiction issues.
I think addicts know or, with time, come to know the harm they can cause. Addicts, at times, lack the ability to manage themselves well. They hurt themselves and, often, those who care about them. I think they care. They also can be unable to control themselves. The cravings, especially for opiates, can become all consuming.
If one does not suffer from addiction issues it's very difficult to grasp how challenging it is for addicts. That said, my thoughts are not meant to excuse destructive behavior. Addiction isn't a free pass to do whatever the hell one wants. We are all responsible for our actions and the damage we cause.
It's totally understandable to have reached a point, while in a relationship with a person suffering with addiction, when enough is enough. One can need distance to protect themself.
I've seen a couple of people find a way to manage their addiction. Both sought out professional help and had a good support network who cared about them. All the others I've been close to self destructed eventually. Best of luck to you.
I think addicts know or, with time, come to know the harm they can cause. Addicts, at times, lack the ability to manage themselves well. They hurt themselves and, often, those who care about them. I think they care. They also can be unable to control themselves. The cravings, especially for opiates, can become all consuming.
If one does not suffer from addiction issues it's very difficult to grasp how challenging it is for addicts. That said, my thoughts are not meant to excuse destructive behavior. Addiction isn't a free pass to do whatever the hell one wants. We are all responsible for our actions and the damage we cause.
It's totally understandable to have reached a point, while in a relationship with a person suffering with addiction, when enough is enough. One can need distance to protect themself.
I've seen a couple of people find a way to manage their addiction. Both sought out professional help and had a good support network who cared about them. All the others I've been close to self destructed eventually. Best of luck to you.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
Unfortunately part of addiction is being so focused on the next hit or the next drink or whatever that they're unaware of anything else. One of the common denominators of addiction is they are more about the need than the people around them that truly care. I've known people that have lost jobs, homes, children, spouses, family, freedom and sadly their lives.
Until the addict realize they cannot stop or fix it, they truly are convinced they are fine and they don't have a problem.
As difficult as I'm sure it was, you're better off distancing yourself from that. I hope you're willing to be available if they call for help, but that doesn't mean you need to be involved or tolerate the situation in your life.
Until the addict realize they cannot stop or fix it, they truly are convinced they are fine and they don't have a problem.
As difficult as I'm sure it was, you're better off distancing yourself from that. I hope you're willing to be available if they call for help, but that doesn't mean you need to be involved or tolerate the situation in your life.
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Creolequeen · 31-35, F
@FORMERLYbatovn that kinda thing nags at them?
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
@Creolequeen it can because eventually whether they would want to admit it or not they will realize that they have lost everything. And it's commonly called to come to Jesus moment. Where you suddenly realize you have to make a decision on whether you're going to continue down the destructive Road you're on or you're going to get help and try to get right. And sometimes if if you are close to somebody and they tell you to get help and you refuse and when you suddenly realize they were right. Yes it can nag on them it can make a difference it may not be next week it may not even be next year.. but you hope and you pray that they realize that they need help and that they're willing to get it but yes that will stick in the back of their head even if they don't realize it
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Beaker4444 · 46-50, M
Sometimes it takes losing people to realize that you need to get help. What you did may push them to get the help they need.
I've ended many friendships over this . There's a fine line between helping and enabling
Creolequeen · 31-35, F
@pripyatamusementpark I’m glad you have ended those friendships.how is helping enabling
candycane · 36-40, F
My mom dad were heroin addicts and drank
Creolequeen · 31-35, F
@candycane I’m very sorry 😞