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I Think Personal Hygiene Is Important

I broke up with a guy once because he stunk so bad. He never brushed his teeth and I ended up telling him I am not going to kiss him because the bacteria from his teeth will ruin mine as well. He went to the dentist and the dentist told him he needed fillings and I told him that is because he never brushes his teeth and he said " that is ok, for once the dentist will have to work for his money." He use to smell his arm pit and say "I stink" and keep going and he was so stingy he refused to buy deodorant. After work he would not take a bath no matter how smelly or dirty he was because he said "why take one now when I will be taking one later, why take 2 baths." A hillbilly to the max. Needless to say, our relationship did not last very long.

I also broke up with another guy because his breath was so bad I had to roll the car window down because I was starting to gag. That relationship did not go far either.
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Northwest · M
Forget about the plague, I often wonder how humanity made it out of the middle ages, with once per year baths and no toothpaste or mouthwash.
MaryQueenOfScots · 41-45, F
kingkyrie- for the first few dates he wasn't like that. I guess he was pretending to be something he wasn't.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Yikes :/ sorry to hear. [media=]
Always makes me think of this song when I hear about bad hygiene ;) lol
Go Del!!!
But, in the first place, why did you ever started a relation with this kind?
mrmistery · M
There is no excuse for poor hygiene
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
I used to wonder how men at my work could have such impossibly bad breath... it was like a fog that extended from them in all directions for three feet.... a friend of mine explained that they were junkies and that was the smell of tooth decay.. how can people live like that!
Widower1 · 41-45, M
ewwwww, nasty!
Sutten · 36-40, F
Wow, some people are so disgusting.

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