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Are you gonna be alone at Christmas?

What will you do to make it special?
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RebelFox · 36-40, F
It will just be my son and I probably will of made it to Louisiania by them. Maybe Texas. Xmas in a van.
Penny · 46-50, F
watch a movie?
@Penny Luca is good
summersong · F
Me and my kids, as always.
I won't be alone. I have family. One daughter is not going to be here, but the rest of the family should be around at different times of the day.
How about you?
IFoundLife · 41-45, F
1. We don't celebrate Christmas, so it's not a problem.
2. Due to holidays, I will probably meet many of my relatives during that time.
iamelijah · 26-30, M
Always alone. But it makes it better when I can spend a lot of things on that day.

I don't enjoy company. I am an awkward person.
it will be the four of us and my MIL. looking forward to a special day
Gangstress · 41-45, F
yeh more than likely me in my thoughts whilst others have so much fun
Jungleman · M
i will be with my mother, father and sisters.
I will be with my son.
Yes. I will wear snuggly pjs and eat chocolate and journal

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