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UPDATE: We think it's the Snuggle Fabric Softener. Because SNGL SNuGgLe, but not sure why it would be FO and not FS.
Lilnonames · F
Call them ask them
@Lilnonames Single food item, I was a grocery checker years ago.
Single food item, they probably had to key it in manually, it most likely didn't scan.
@NativePortlander1970 yeah only thing is we didn't buy any food items that had to be keyed in manually, but I know exactly what you are talking about.
@twiigss If it was snuggle it would have been a small bottle, does the line say taxable or no tax after the item?
@NativePortlander1970 Yeah the Snuggle is in a small bottle, just has an x next to it on the receipt.
We tried looking up the item number online but no luck, 0726134712260
We tried looking up the item number online but no luck, 0726134712260