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Biden Plan To Reduce Grocery Costs

It's important to note that grocery retailers operate on extremely thin margins already. Corporate greed (price gouging) is almost as much of a leftwing dog whistle as is calling someone a racist.

Translation...they plan to use lawfare to drive smaller retailers out of business or force the sale to massive multinational corporations that operate hyper markets. Gee...I thought democrats were about protecting the "little guy." The hyper markets, which have powerful lobbyists in DC, get larger and more powerful...reducing consumer choice, and creating oligopolies.

Increasing subsidies. While it's a nice to help the poor, giving them more money won't do squat to actually lower grocery costs.

As "plans" go, this one absolutely sucks - but what else is new coming from the Biden administration.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
"...giving them more money won't do squat to actually lower grocery costs."

Right, but it might buy a few votes for Democrats in November, and that's all they care about.
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TexChik · F
Oh! I thought he was using the "dead people don't need groceries" plan.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
That’s being kept in reserve. . @TexChik
TexChik · F
@jackjjackson Got it.
carpediem · 61-69, M
So if the prices get too high, we just tell the stores to lower them. Huh. Who knew it was that easy? Inflation all fixed. Now let’s work on fixing the election
wildbill83 · 36-40, M

force more stores to close, and raise taxes on citizens so illegals can eat steak every night...
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
Shouldnt never been raised
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Why only call on 31 attorney generals why not 50.
@MarineBob 29 smell the fragrance of male bovine manure
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy true that
Wait a minute. I thought Democrats said the president had "nothing to do" with inflation and rising prices. Last I checked, Good Ole Joe was a Democrat.
The ship hit the Berg…and the Captain yells, “ lookouts…a sharp eye, lest we run afoul of a berg!”
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Too little too late. Can’t trust a Biden.
@cherokeepatti it's a poorly conceived Hail Mary
ffony · M
I'd have a lot more interest in politics if it involved thinking critically about issues rather than badmouthing people and parties. Biden Schmiden. Trump Shtump. Trudeau Gluedough.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Wait a second....... you don't think racism is real?
Azlotto · M
Biden is full of it...and it spews out of both ends.
And I'm as healthy as a college athlete 🙄
This just posted ten hours ago on Timcast IRL on youtube.
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@MarmeeMarch right? Kinda like there was no problem at the border for 3½ years, and then suddenly it's all Trump's fault.
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