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I really thought I would see him again

Otherwise I'd have given him something, like my necklace which he liked, but I forgot. Now he only has my remaining painkillers. I hope that he didn't and that he won't need them.
Coppercoil · M
I really hope you still want to cut into me and see how well I've been treating my organs. I'm very healthy. I eat well and try and stay active. I'll be the best patient you ever have. I will be brave and only go under localized anesthesia so I can stay conscious and we can talk during your inspection. 🥺🔪🖤
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@Coppercoil we don't deserve such a good man as you
dimfok · 22-25, M
Ποιος είναι; Εννοώ βασικά, γιατί να μην τον ξαναδείς;
dimfok · 22-25, M
@HannibalAteMeOut Οκ δεκτό, αλλά μακριά δεν σημαίνει και ποτέ :P Σε κάθε περίπτωση, τι γεύση παγωτό στέλνουμε σε μια heartbroken Χανιμπαλού; :D
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@dimfok εεε σε αυτήν την περίπτωση έτσι ήταν... χαχαχα ε όχι και χαρτμπρόκεν 😅 αλλά παγωτό είναι, φέρε ό,τι βρεις!
dimfok · 22-25, M
@HannibalAteMeOut Χμ θα φέρω απ' όλες τις γεύσεις τότε χαχα. You've earned it
Spumoni · 46-50, M

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