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Went shopping with sister in law

Bought 178 footballs only took 5 stores
Sister in law is printing on them for tomorrow nights game. Price will be $46.50 credit card price. $51.50 for cash.....86 has to sell before we see a return . I'll work the phones this afternoon to get a jump on the sales.
Cash is usually cheaper, no credit card fees to mess with.
@MarineBob For the casinos and show rooms?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@NativePortlander1970 most at the university who decided to go cashless last year
@MarineBob Going cashless is the BIGGEST FUCKING MISTAKE any business or institution has decided, it takes OUR right to remain commercially anonymous, I do NOT want ANY bank or government know what I purchase at times, namely my firearms and ammunition.

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