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Yesterday Was 50 Cent Day At Two Discount Stores In Oklahoma City, I Found Some Good Deals…

Tuesday I found a recipe for gluten-free potato gnocchis and wanted to make some, was looking at gnocchi boards on Amazon and didn’t want to pay that much. Found two of them at the second discount store, 50 cents each. Those and a metal bird feeder were my best buys, I spent $30 total at both stores. Seems like every time I shop at the discount stores I find something I’ve wanted to buy or checked out on Amazon but was wanting to find a better price.
A vegan girl I follow made carrot gnocchi instead of potato. Looked delicious tbh 🥕🐇
Lostpoet · M
50 cent got his own day? That dude hasn't been relevant since 2005.
AbbeyRhode · F
Sounds great. I love shopping at Dollar Tree here. :)
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@AbbeyRhode I do too but they don’t have most of what I am buying. I did buy some personal wipes for 50 Cents, the basic ones at Dollar Tree will be $1.25.
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
Good looking feeder
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@turbineman40 I’ll get some seeds to fill it and hang it up but I’ll mix some cayenne pepper in them to keep the greedy squirrels from emptying it in a day. Birds don’t have the same sensory reaction to pepper like mammals do.
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
@cherokeepatti I like feeding birds but not squirrels. Thanks for the update
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@turbineman40 I want to get a pole feeder, grease it up real good and Mr. Squirrel will be slipping and sliding. Someone recommended WD-40 but that stinks, orange oil spray would do just a good of a job and smell good.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
I love thrifty shopping
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@MyNameIsHurl I used to go to a lot of yard sales but it’s hit or miss and by that I mean mostly miss. There is one about a mile from my house where the lady goes in with some of her friends & sister-in-laws and they put reasonable prices on their stuff, I always go home with around a dozen items. I don’t like wasting gas and my city going all over town to garage sales and not find anything at decent prices.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
@cherokeepatti I hate garage sales. I always feel bad looking at peoples stuff and then not buying anything. It feels like I'm insulting them, but they don't want the stuff either, hahah
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@MyNameIsHurl Well it depends on what I am looking for. I went to one about 13 years ago and the lady was having someone move in with her and had to clear out some closets and stored items. She was a clothes horse and apparently gained weight so was selling the smaller sizes. The entire garage was full of most clothes and the better ones hanging up. The driveway was full of clothes and tables of household items. I asked her how much the clothes were and she said “50 cents unless you get a lot then they are 25 cents” I got a box full and most still had the store tags on them, jeans, shirts, etc. I spent less than $8. Bad thing was that it ruined the garages sales I went to after that because they wanted so much more for their stuff so I stopped going except if I was driving by one and would stop and browse.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Looks new c:
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@FreestyleArt They get pallets of merchandise that are store-close outs & returns and a lot of it is from Amazon but also Target, Aldi, Kohls, and several other places. But I’ve seen some older used books too. Yesterday they had dumped a lot of face masks on most of the tables to try to get people to buy them for 50 cents a package. They said today on Facebook that they are wanting to load pallets of them to hospitals if there are any that need them, a lot of different brands etc. I’m tired of digging though packages of masks while looking for bargains.

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