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Way Too Ticklish 😣

I both completely hate it and at the same time sorta love it lol 🙈 it’s super annoying and I get to the point of near laughing-hysteria even before someone ever touches me, but at the same time it usually leads to a bonding, fun moment as well as some intimate moments too 😏 definitely a double edge sword, for sure haha 😅
g0thb4by · F
Gotta be honest I hate 😔 when I get tickled I will more then likely have a little accident then ill get all shy and embarrassed
What sort of accident? @g0thb4by
g0thb4by · F
@SW-User ummm🙈 like ... I pee a little 😓
i love tickling, it's fun.. My most ticklish spot is the top, innermost spit of my thigh... I am not responsible for what happens if I'm tickled there
ticklerguy · M
May I Ask Where All You Are Ticklish?
I can’t give away those kinds of secrets!! Haha @ticklerguy
ticklerguy · M
@SW-User Might Have To Tickle It Out Of You Then 😈
@SW-User and why cant ya it's not like anyone would exploit it knowing your ticklish spots and all 😛
It can be fun as long as you can trust the person tickling you to stop when you ask them too
jackson55 · M
When we were teenagers I would tickle my sister until she wet her pants.
Tickle12100 · 41-45, F
@jackson55 me too
Lyndawifeandmom · 36-40, F
I always pee wherever my kids tickle me
@Lyndawifeandmom they probably tickle you on purpose too
Tickle12100 · 41-45, F
Oh its sad that I have lost my ticklishness as I have gotten older.
jackson55 · M
When we were kids I’d tickle my sister until she would wet her pants.
Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
challenge accepted
Tickle12100 · 41-45, F
It s exact

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