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I'm a Sensitive Person

I'm a sensitive person
I'm an anxious person only sometimes
But there's a difference between being anxious and empathetic. When you hesitate for fear of upsetting someone, or when you're moved by so many things!. It can influence your actions!.
However?. Upbringing!!!..there's a factor
It can be one of the many things holding your hand..literally holding your hand!.
For example?..controlling parents could make you question right or wrong?, be unaware of future prospects, goals, or likely've been told what to do all your life. When i hear goals are unreal, or unlikely..the thing i like to hear is??..are they possible but??

I feel i am very sensitive..just as part of being me!. I do feel however no matter what age I am now!!...I have found a trend on my mothers gran was a very big pessimist..she was generous and kind but. My mother is a pessimist, she didn't think I'd have a chance of making it to the university i prefer...telling me that i won't make this and i cant possibly do that!...and she speaks well of others in the family...the highly elite when it comes to success apparently, making assumptions about people based on whether they are intelligent or know people in business?..setting my odds at 100/1
I always try to stay optimistic but. Not so much that i manage to find something that pays millions!! 😅..just financially stable and suited...a job that i am interested in and enjoy....i said that i have zero limits in my mind..but i hate the thoughts coming from my parents who said id never make it to the university i favour, ..I'm heading there now...
negativity can also inflict sensitivity!..but sensitive people are dreamers!...when you're around pessimists you don't know how much of your thoughts are dreams??...or even possible??

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