@WSEIII @AllelujahHaptism @Busylssie thank you for your responses. I'll try to apply them. As for any future replies I still welcome anymore advice ^-^
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
one thing is just start gradually, if something normally takes say a week, then only take that down to maybe 5 days so you dont push yourself too hard
WSEIII · 51-55, M
Start a reward system and give yourself a prize when you complete your task.

Think about where you fell short and what you can do to meet the deadline next time.
in10RjFox · M
I add my tasks to google calendar and make it email me reminder on a daily weekly or bi weekly basis and I add a note with as much details in it .. this way the task is not forgotten as I believe in better late than never.
Then I try to involve someone or make enquiries where their response provokes me to do the job.
Then I try to involve someone or make enquiries where their response provokes me to do the job.
@in10RjFox have you noticed the recent update on the Google calender? I love how much more effect it is to schedule work and goals. I usually wrote it on paper or used Google doc to schedule my activities. And I suppose I know the perfect person to provoke me for that. My lover especially when they try to be a smart-ass with me haha.