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I Am Not Fake, Neither Is My Profile


Come visit anytime. I'd be honoured if you do.

I just read a response by someone who says he avoids visiting people's profiles, because the members with VIP status can see who's been there.

I don't understand why that is a deterrent.

I visit several profiles every day. Especially the newcomers, or those I've not seen in a few weeks, just to see if they've been active, but I've somehow missed them.

You know, someone in their infinite wisdom, decided to call visiting somebody's profile, stalking. It makes it sound so negative and threatening, somehow. Stalking is bad. Visiting is good. I wish somebody would change the word.

Just so you know, you're welcome to visit me, anytime. 😊 I rarely check to see who's been there, and when I do, seeing that I've had visitors, makes me smile. It's nice to know someone thinks I'm worth taking time to get to know a little better. I hide nothing on my profile. Nothing is kept private. If I don't want anyone to know something about me, I don't post it on a website.

I'm proud to have the friends I have. Happy to have you check out my previous replies and learn who I am from the things I've said. My groups are also a clue to my identity. They say what I like and dislike. If I don't want you to know, I just don't join that group.

There are NO secrets on my profile. Those are kept hidden in my head and protected by a conscience.

Jan. 17/17
4:37 am
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ajoite · 51-55, F
Was that my question?
Serenitree · F
Well, yes. It was. I didn't want to single you out, because it might seem I'm calling you out, when that wasn't my intent. I was just wondering why some people are fearful of being seen to be interested. Instead of asking you to explain, and thereby justify, your reasons, I decided to make it a general post asking the general populace what they think.

Jan. 17/17
6:00 am.
ajoite · 51-55, F
@Serenitree: I actually thought your post was nice, until I realised it might be about me ! It's actually been a big discussion on here lately. I'm not going to apologise for asking the question and I know that's not what your post is about, but I am allowed to ask. I think alot of people don't know or realise about the VIP thing, I hope you understand that I am worried that people may not realise the information they are putting out. It's been pointed out to me that when this site first started everyone could see who hearted questions, but many of us haven't been here since the beginning. I wish you could have replied on my question because I am worried as someone else has said that we are going to end up with two separate camps, and that would be horrible