firefall · 61-69, M
I DO know it all, and I'm irritated by those who think I don't
no, not seriously, but it was just hanging there as a straight line ..
no, not seriously, but it was just hanging there as a straight line ..
curioustoknow · 46-50, M
lol. I do enjoy sarcasm tho. Lol
curioustoknow · 46-50, M
I work with a guy who "knows it all". He and I don't get along well.
Malina · 56-60, F
curioustoknow · 46-50, M
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
then what's the use?
curiosity is the reward the obtainment is the goal.
curiosity is the reward the obtainment is the goal.
curioustoknow · 46-50, M
@sighmeupforthat: there's nothing wrong with learning new things and self educating but "know it alls" like to enforce how much they thin they know (usually bs) and how much they think you don't know. "Know it alls" are insecure and think that by belittling someone else will make them look better.