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I Am Smart Enough to Know I Don't Know It All

My husband is big into politics and will have a debate with anyone. Me on the other hand, I have learned that unless you are a political scholar or a politician yourself,(I wonder if some politicians make a career out of lying.) arguing politics has very little to do with actual facts, but more about conspiracy theories, lies, and one sided personal oponions.

So the year that the second term for President Obama was coming around, my friend asked me what I thought about the candidates. I told him, "I do not have enough factual information to voice an opinion."
He said that was the smartest answer he ever heard. So sometimes Not having the knowledge and admitting to it, is a smarter choice than sharing an opinion based on rumors and news that may or may not be true.
Did I mention I Hate politics?
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AndrewC1993 · 31-35, M
Honesty is always appreciated! :)

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