@th3r0n I express what i think. That is not trolling. It's not my fault i keep coming across things that are posted by delusional idiots and full of more crap that an elephants toilet.
@MaryJo1996 what's it to you how he shaves his face with his own knife? How is that messed up. Not even a century ago, men shaved with knives all the time. Just because we live in a more modern society, doesnt make him dangerous. In fact I would prefer it that others used knives instead of guns.
@ScarletWitch thank you. Like I’ve even had someone pointing a gun at my head and I talked to them calmly and didn’t choose to take it when they got closer and pointed it away, I wasn’t in danger of really dying as best I assessed, he just wanted the weed and I wasn’t willing to kill someone over weed.