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Our minds are strange

My mind seems to conceive of feelings and actions, way before I am even consciously aware of them or before the event leading to them has happened. Earlier I started planning things, only to later ask myself why I was planning them...then I realized why. How is it I knew exactly what to do before even thinking about it?

It wasn't something basic or rudimentary, either.
Coppercoil · M
Ive heard.. no idea if its true.. that the subconscious is a different kind of *intelligent* than the analytical brain.. in that it senses patterns, identifying situations, long before the analytical mind does.. and often is the actual source of the information the consciousness mind has the *revelation* about and tries to make sense of.. It sees things directly. It doesn't doubt itself or filter or feel shame or guilt or project bias or *shoulds and shouldn'ts* *wants and fears* over what it experiences or *knows*. That the analytical mind is always a lagging indicator of whats actually happening. I mean.. maybe..i don't know.
Coppercoil · M
@SW-User also women are far more connected to this intelligence. And have stronger *gut* feelings about things. Ive witnessed it. Its uncanny the situations they get right. Also why they are so quick to *bolt* unexpectedly early on as a relationship is just forming, leaving untold number of men wondering what they did wrong. Plus they avoid danger from other preditor types better. I think.. im not sure any of that is proven, just my cumulative observations and my armchair analysis.
@Coppercoil What kind of danger are you alluding to though? If it's sexual danger (e.g rape), isn't that them using their common sense?
Coppercoil · M
@SW-User all kinds of danger.. common sense is another tool yes.. but the *gut* feeling is different. Guys have it too though.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
Wow. No I've never noticed that about myself. Sounds like a gift or a really good skill set.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Being an empath seems like that in description but in practice it can drive you absolutely insane.

And you tend to annoy people around you that are not aware or that tr
ying to keep secrets.
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
Just your subconscious work
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I would need a more concrete example to fully grasp the situation of your brain

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