Mamapolo2016 · F
If you want to cancel your account, you can perform the following steps:
Go to your Account Settings.
Scroll down until you find "Leave Similar Worlds".
Type your password and press Continue while we show some of the benefits you will lose as part of this process.
When you select the reason why you want to leave Similar Worlds, we provide you with a possible solution that might help you fixing the problem and stay.
If you want to accept the solution, you can press "Continue". Otherwise, you can press "Leave SW" to proceed with the steps to leave Similar Worlds.
Optionally, please provide us with your feedback and how we can improve, using the text box we provide for that purpose.
As soon as you press "Leave Similar Worlds", your account will be put on Hiatus mode and you will be logged off.
Following the steps above, your Similar Worlds account is then on indefinite leave (Hiatus).
While on this mode, you will stop receiving email notifications, and also comments submitted on your profile and albums will be held pending approval by you.
You may reactivate your account later, by simply entering your email and password as usual at Log In, followed by pressing the Reactivate Account button.
If you log into your account, you have two options:
Reactivate Account / Exit Hiatus
Cancel Account
Go to your Account Settings.
Scroll down until you find "Leave Similar Worlds".
Type your password and press Continue while we show some of the benefits you will lose as part of this process.
When you select the reason why you want to leave Similar Worlds, we provide you with a possible solution that might help you fixing the problem and stay.
If you want to accept the solution, you can press "Continue". Otherwise, you can press "Leave SW" to proceed with the steps to leave Similar Worlds.
Optionally, please provide us with your feedback and how we can improve, using the text box we provide for that purpose.
As soon as you press "Leave Similar Worlds", your account will be put on Hiatus mode and you will be logged off.
Following the steps above, your Similar Worlds account is then on indefinite leave (Hiatus).
While on this mode, you will stop receiving email notifications, and also comments submitted on your profile and albums will be held pending approval by you.
You may reactivate your account later, by simply entering your email and password as usual at Log In, followed by pressing the Reactivate Account button.
If you log into your account, you have two options:
Reactivate Account / Exit Hiatus
Cancel Account
Intissima · F
@Mamapolo2016 thank you for your kind reply. Appreciate it 👍🏽
PhoenixPhail · M
@Mamapolo2016 That's really good and concise info. 👍
Mamapolo2016 · F