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Feliz dia de la mujer! / Happy womans days!

Feliz día de la mujer a todas las mujeres que son honestas, buena onda que no te dejan colgado y que ofrecen una amistad sincera, y a aquellas que la luchan día a día sin consecuencias para terceros, a aquellas que son realmente dignas y hacen lo que hacen para bien sin segundas intenciones, a todas esas mujeres que en ves de ser llamadas mujeres deben ser llamadas santas por tanta bondad y buena onda en su corazón y su alma.

Happy Women's Day to all the women who are honest, cool, who don't leave you hanging and who offer sincere friendship, and to those who fight every day without consequences for others, to those who are truly worthy and do what they do for good without ulterior motives, to all those women who instead of being called women should be called saints for so much kindness and good vibes in their hearts and souls.

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