BittersweetPotato I like the way you think.
One of my teachers in high school, bless his heart, was very worldly as well as academically intelligent. He possessed a certain charismatic ability to get ideas across and share his own life experiences. The man was amazing. He was also considered one of the toughest teachers in the school. For some reason he liked me. Maybe it was because I took his class 3 years in a row. My last year he actually gave me a passing grade even though I didn't do anything to earn it.
One of the very deep things that he shared that made a lasting impact on my life was this:
School does everything they can for you by the fourth grade. At that time they have taught you how to learn.
Everything in school after that is just exposure.
So, that in mind I do already know how to learn and everything I do know how to do I have had to teach myself.
Believe it or not I still count on my fingers. LOL. True story