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I Am Curious

How much flair do you have for drama?
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Calmsoul · 31-35, M
When i need a leave and my Boss ain't ready for that I JUST NAIL IT WITH MY OSCAR WINNING PERFORMANCE !!😂
moyesp · 61-69, F
By drama do you mean acting? or for poetic license? - lol
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
I've been imitating humans since an early age and nobody ever notices :)
Sepia · 36-40, F
When it's true to life
Calmsoul · 31-35, M
I am quite natural !! 😛
moyesp · 61-69, F
1. Tirade and 'How can you forget Mothers Day - Ranted on for 4 full minutes.

Reply; Mum its next Sunday!!! - oops!

2. This Guy's in serious trouble I would recommend him to leave the country. This is why...

On an examination paper. Passed with Distinction!!
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
Well, I dispute I have any, but my wife did buy me a crown and t-shirt once, so there is that.
CuriousGorge - *Standing ovation.

Confession I didn't stand but its the thought that counts right? :P
Elegy · 46-50
Until recently none but I seem to have a flair for it I never knew existed.
Equanimous · 51-55, M
Low, It takes time for me to realise it is one.
Vetrov · 61-69, M
Carpet slippers and dressing gown and bottle of brandy!
JustMerae - good!
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
I'm an actor so as much flair as you want. I've made some dramas
Lizabee · F!
None, I am not a drama queen.
Lol Vetrov. I can actually imagine you that way. With a small stache and a pompous air. :P
Lizabee · F
This is why I'm a bore ;))
Moyesp - open to interpretation, take it how you wish. :P
OKWTF2 - LOL @ crown! And with a tshirt? Unique combination!
Calmsoul - LOL. Give us one story of your dramatics that will make us laugh.
Moyesp, lol. I understand.
LOL Calmsoul.

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