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Just curious, at what point does a person get fired for absenteeism?

Myself and another coworker has been here for 2 months. This coworker has been absent for a total of over 2 weeks in that span.

Said person just moved to this state as well.

Has been out for multiple reasons, including car problems, the death of a cousin
( I didn't know you could have 5 days of bereavement for a cousin).

Now said person is having problems with the new house, and hasn't been to work since Tuesday of last week.

If it were me, I'm sure I would have been fired.
How does said person still have a job?
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I’d like to know how the receptionist at my office still has a job too. She barely wears any clothes, sleeps at her desk for hours, and is a total nut job
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
She barely wears any clothes,
Perhaps that's the reason?
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@ninalanyon you’re probably right!
robertsnj · 56-60, M
what does your organization do? What does that person do? That is a big impact on the answer. Also that person may in contact with HR and on a leave of absence or temporary leave. HR won't disclose that for privacy reasons.
Ontheroad · M
Without knowing the work environment, it's hard to say, but I for sure would keep a record of it and if there ever comes a time when you get written up for absenteeism, I'd bring it up.
I'd say to focus on your punctuality and authenticity.
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
He/she obviously has a special arrangement with the boss.
Pawpaw2molly · 61-69, M
Depends on how generous his boss is feeling
Depends on who it was.
Timeforsun · 51-55, F
Perhaps they're building a case to let them go after the probationary period is done.
redredred · M
You friend is still looking for another job snd interviewing.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Sadly these are strange times we are in right now. I can't believe the help at restaurants telling the owners when they will work and making them close on weekends. That behavior just made one of my favorite places close permanently. Now they don't have to worry about working weekends. They can have the whole week off. Personally I think your new person should be let go. If course in the meantime I am sure that means you are not only doing your work, but hers too. 😠
Most likely nepotism
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@NativePortlander1970 doubt it, as mentioned, said person isn't from here
@iamnikki Not all relatives live in the same state, or have the same surname, so I will stand by my comment, I have seen it way too many times.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@NativePortlander1970 I get it.
It's a stretch but sure.

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