cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Warmth, but on the upside the temps are slowly starting to’s going to get all the way up to 25 F. This afternoon.
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@cherokeepatti 🔥 sending heat your way
BlueVeins · 22-25
energy i guess
are you new here?
are you new here?
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RareObjects · 41-45, M
@BlueVeins thank you rare kind person
BlueVeins · 22-25
@RareObjects there are lots of friendly ppl here love, it just so happens that there are a lot of dweebs too ❤️ I hope you find what you're looking for.
Also idk if you need this rn, but you can block ppl who you haven't added from messaging you if you go into your messages & click the orange "filter messages" button on the right. I didn't see that for a long time and it can be very helpful.
Also idk if you need this rn, but you can block ppl who you haven't added from messaging you if you go into your messages & click the orange "filter messages" button on the right. I didn't see that for a long time and it can be very helpful.
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@BlueVeins you absolute lifesaver
hunkalove · 61-69, M
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@hunkalove 🍇 grab some grapes and make em yourself
spikem · M
gratitude, respect, employers keeping their promises, faith in people.....
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@spikem employers aren't people, they're monsters. Fuck them.
spikem · M
@RareObjects yeah, some are. and it gets so fuckin tiring after awhile....
Yeah so I'm filling it up with matcha and tacos.
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@lovelywarpedlemon Taco Thursday
@RareObjects hell yeah. Wanted to exercise outside but it's rain for like 2 weeks 😅 looks like I'll have to eat & play videogames instead
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@lovelywarpedlemon the weather spirits say no to exercise 🤙🏻
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Chocolate...which I gave up for Lent.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Only 38 more days to go. @RareObjects
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@MrsKatherineArch You can do it 🙏🙏
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
I’ll survive @RareObjects
Pfuzylogic · M
That has been building over a year so the Cabin fever has an edge on top of social isolation.

I'm lacking in 'calm'.

@RareObjects No, I like being calm. I'm just agitated today but I will get my calm back.
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@SW-User agitation, be gone ✨

@RareObjects ❤️
SethGreene531 · M
Coffee and sanity, junior mints.
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@SethGreene531 coffee and sanity go hand in hand.
SethGreene531 · M
@RareObjects Oh yes!☕
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@Turtlepower use your turtle power 🐢
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
@RareObjects I'm running out. I've got a lot done but I've hit a bit of a wall.
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@Turtlepower Smash the wall, you can do it 💫
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Yea but SW does not have a mood label for that.

Ya peace and patience
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@SW-User 🕊️ it's on its way
summersong · F
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@summersong keep searching 🔎🔍
Incognitochick · 46-50, F
Patience, as always
Elevatorpitches · F
Someone to love on
RareObjects · 41-45, M
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@SwampFlower 🤪 we all lack a bit of sanity
Savagesix · 41-45, M
Always feel lacking always the same
FatherTime · 51-55, M
a soul yes
bijouxbroussard · F
Energy. 😩
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard 🌠 take this energy star
bijouxbroussard · F
@RareObjects Merci. 🙏🏽

Motivation. The start of today was pretty shitty but it's gotten better. I hope I can get something done this evening.
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@SW-User get that shit done and make the day seen worthwhile. You've got this

Ramen noodles
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@SW-User All too relatable
bijouxbroussard · F
@SW-User 🍜

@bijouxbroussard Yaaaay thank you!! 😍🥰
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
Head hair!
A Hareem of ladies too😂😍
A Hareem of ladies too😂😍