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What are you curious about

Poll - Total Votes: 17
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I'm curious about many things in life
Darci ·
I'm most curious about my finding my true inner self and finding out new ways to strengthen it.
Twistermind: Here's a primary article with similar results (might be hard to understand unless you have some scientific background)

And here's an easier to read article interpreting a similar study:
Darci ·
specialED1256 · Anything really. Just need to be careful when swimming and dancing though because of my ankle injury :( I like mostly tennis and volleyball.

bigbadwolf · That works too to clear the mind I suppose. I should do that...I have sooooo much to study today! Yeah I do, but that helps me blend easily in pretty much any kind of conversation so I can't complain much.
Darci ·
bigbadwolf · Hey wolf. It's afternoon here so good afternoon I guess :P and Morning there for you so good morning :P Well I tend to feed my inner self with knowledge and reading (a torrid amount of what people call 'useless' information) and sports, relaxation techniques, strategic games to help improve myself, new opportunities of studies etc.
the human mind and why people do the things they do
oh thats cool. i usuaslly go out running. that kind of relaxes me and you get the workout. what kind of strategic games do you play. lol so you know a lot of useless knowledge. thats cool though... always helps with convos.
twistermind · 51-55, F
And that is how it has to be, I think for the evolution's sake. It's funny, that when a guy become old, his brain creates many hormones pretty similar to the female ones. Again, a matter of evolution. Nature is so amazed.
Twistermind: The brain has been extensively studied but is still poorly understood. Before the study that spawned the article that I linked there was also a review that tested the strength of categorizing people based on gender in scientific studies of the brain.

This is common practice but that does not mean it is well supported, the study that tested the strength of the categorization also found greater variability within groups based on gender than between groups which suggests that gender is a poor factor for categorization of neurobiological anatomy and function.
Darci ·
bigbadwolf · Sure thing, take care see ya around wolf! Have a good day.
twistermind · 51-55, F
None of these options. I'm curious about the brain and our universe.
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
The pole which of the five are you most curious about
twistermind · 51-55, F
@Ondruid: I tried to see the link you posted but they say it doesn't exist anymore. I will try to google the topic for more information.
Yes, you're right. Brain is still pretty unknown and scientist have been feeling amazed bc they are discovering how much importance in its funtioning have the relation between one parts and others.
well im heading off hope you have a good night queen
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
Dear queen what sport do you enjoy
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
I like the brain and that stuff
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
I love the ufc good fights eh
You should read this:

Long story short: male and female brains do not differ, individual brains differ from each other.
twistermind · 51-55, F
Within the options you wrote, I chose men. Again with my mania...Men's brain. And up to what point their brains are similar or different from a woman's brain. I find it pretty curious.
twistermind · 51-55, F
But, there are general differences. In the size of some parts of the brain. They are pretty well studied by scientists. Anyway, it's interesting the link you posted. I will give it a try.
silentwriter180 · 51-55, F
The older I get, the more curiosity tends to die down. Sticks to things like what my grandchildren did yesterday and how my day is going to turn out tomorrow.
hi my queen.. what is your inner self? i know i dont know anything about you.. good morning or evening.
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
I think the difference isn't how we see and do things. The difference is a women brain gets smarter faster
A sport I just got into. I know almost nothing about it so I've been very curious.
LoveChild · 26-30, F
I'm bi and am torn between wanting my own family and never trusting a man again.
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
I wish it was around sooner I use to street fight a lot
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
The difference between men and women's brains are huge
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
I like all sport golf is number one now
Yes. Those people are insanely skilled.
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
This site will give you new ways
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
@feet do the pole
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
What about women
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
I'm shots at spelling
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
Which sport?
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Oh you mean the poll. I did. I chose women.
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Women. A women's toes more specifically.
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M

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