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allsfinebime2 · M
Everyone has some kind of talent. Sometimes it just takes time to find it.
Bowiexgirl123 · 26-30, F
@allsfinebime2 what if someone never finds it? I mean is it possible that someone never truly finds what makes them talented? they say Some people are either born with it or not.
allsfinebime2 · M
Of course it always possible not to find your own talent. In which case it's up to others to point out your talents to you. For instance you have a talent of being able to excellently communicate. Hence your question that you posed to us on here. ☺
Wonderlust · M
Having no talent at all is a rare talent itself.
Chorma · 36-40, M
Now that is a talent right, no takent.
Yes, only if you are dead