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Omg I just had a nice childhood flashback. Who knew air could trigger that.

It's summery outdoors here and we have the windows open for fresh air. There was a breeze that came through and the scent of the air brought me back to when I was about 6. I was over at my nan's and my brother and I were sitting in a small children's pool. It was summer and I remember my nan bringing out buckets of hot water every so often to warm up our water. We were eating ice lollies and I just remember being so happy. My nan was a wonderful person.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Yeah I remember when we kept the windows open all summer. In the cool of the morning it was so pleasant compared to noon and after. Anytime I feel a cool breeze like that in the summer it reminds me of my younger years.
Topaz · 22-25, M
That is a wonderful memory

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