Over active imagination
As a kid I used to believe everything was alive.
I'd make napkins my best friends and scream bloody murder whenever mom cut bread loaves. Any black, dark nook or cranny was infinite inside and absolutely held any evil monster my mind could conjure up.
I let my hair grow long for security against vampires, so my neck couldn't be seen. Damn, I was sort of a weird kid. Still sort of weird now but quite toned down I think.
Just randomly gonna share this
I'd make napkins my best friends and scream bloody murder whenever mom cut bread loaves. Any black, dark nook or cranny was infinite inside and absolutely held any evil monster my mind could conjure up.
I let my hair grow long for security against vampires, so my neck couldn't be seen. Damn, I was sort of a weird kid. Still sort of weird now but quite toned down I think.
Just randomly gonna share this