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its ok to be mellow [I Am Just Being Myself]

I have not drank since June of last year. Nor have I smoked any cigs. I have been doing everything in my power to get my health on track for my son. Tonight at a cook out everyone kept asking me if I was ok....I was just chilled. Evryone else was drinking. I was not, yet they thought I was asking like the odd one. I tend to be more quiet now at events rather than the life of the party unless it means making someone smile or day. I guess Its just a part of life for some
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MrAboo · 36-40, M
I’m always the quiet one. I still hear that I talk to much 😉
tazmania486 · 36-40, F
@MrAboo lol same. It really just depends on the topic, then I cant stop lol.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
@tazmania486 I get those comments without saying a word. Even I a topic I know and enjoy I stay quiet, but I’ll listen more intently
NotJamieM · 46-50, M
It's weird the reactions you get if you're not drinking at social events. I drink a lot less than I used to, for specific reason. It seems to disturb some people.
tazmania486 · 36-40, F
@NotJamieM completely agree.
Congratulations! I also don't drink anything ever and don't care how they look at me. It's THEIR problem. Alcoholics

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