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ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Sometimes I feel this very deeply as well. I love her very much, but we have so little in common to connect over.
FloatOn · 26-30, F
@ViciDraco Exactly, I care so much for him, but we like different types of music, media, books....we don't have little inside jokes, we don't show and accept affection in the same ways, it's like loving a pillow sometimes :(.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@FloatOn I'm allowed to seek those connections elsewhere, but not everyone is so flexible in their relationships. I feel for you.

If you cannot make that connection that is so necessary, you will likely end it. Who wants to waste precious time with someone who doesn't create passion in a partnership? Let me tell you I have been there and endured it. So not worth it. So be free if you cannot get it. I think many just stay together because it is easier than trying it on one's own. You are too young to live this way. At any age, it would be horrible beyond words to exist without that connection. My opinion.
Something you should discuss in depth with your partner. You have to say what you need and they have to say "I'll try"
or "No way."

Then you'll know what to do.
"I'll try"...I wonder how many times both parties made the much of an attempt before dissolving their unions, statistically.@Mamapolo2016
@AnonymouslyYours From what I've seen and known the partner is usually perfectly aware what is missing for their partner to be happy, and they've already privately made the decision that it's not worth the effort to them. For that reason, a whole lot of "last chances" don't happen when I'm involved.
Been there
So sorry
lovingdead · 31-35, M
How long have you been together? It may just take some time to unearth some of your depths together.
FloatOn · 26-30, F
@lovingdead it has been 6 years now. I feel trapped, I know I am not literally trapped, but it doesn't stop me from feeling that way.
lovingdead · 31-35, M
@FloatOn are you happy with them? Besides the depth not being there, have you thought about looking for it and connecting with friends on that level?
Ryanoliver2011 · 26-30, M
At least you have somebody! But I hear ya

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