I Want to Tell You Some Little Facts About Me
💎Piercings.....0 (hate all artificial body decorations)
🔫Shot a gun.....yes. (But nothing exciting about it)
✈Flown on a plane.........yes. More times than I could possibly count
😨Gone zip lining.....yes
😢Cried over someone.....yes
😍Fell in love.....yes
🏃Skipped school.....yes
👀Watched someone give birth.....yes (twice)
😯Watched someone die.....yes
🚑Ridden in an ambulance.....yes
🌴Been to Hawaii?.....no
🐫Been to Europe.....Yes
🏦Been to Washington D.C.....yes
🌹Visited Mexico.....no
🎲Visited Las Vegas.....no
🎤Sang karaoke.....yes
🐶Had a pet(s).....yes
🏂Been sledding on a big hill....yes
🎿Been downhill skiing or snowboarding.....no
🚲Ridden on a motorcycle.....yes (pillion)
🐴Ridden a horse.....yes
🏥Stayed in a hospital.....yes
🔴Donated blood.....no
🚗Driven a stick shift.....yes
🚓Ridden in the back of a police car.....yes
💎Piercings.....0 (hate all artificial body decorations)
🔫Shot a gun.....yes. (But nothing exciting about it)
✈Flown on a plane.........yes. More times than I could possibly count
😨Gone zip lining.....yes
😢Cried over someone.....yes
😍Fell in love.....yes
🏃Skipped school.....yes
👀Watched someone give birth.....yes (twice)
😯Watched someone die.....yes
🚑Ridden in an ambulance.....yes
🌴Been to Hawaii?.....no
🐫Been to Europe.....Yes
🏦Been to Washington D.C.....yes
🌹Visited Mexico.....no
🎲Visited Las Vegas.....no
🎤Sang karaoke.....yes
🐶Had a pet(s).....yes
🏂Been sledding on a big hill....yes
🎿Been downhill skiing or snowboarding.....no
🚲Ridden on a motorcycle.....yes (pillion)
🐴Ridden a horse.....yes
🏥Stayed in a hospital.....yes
🔴Donated blood.....no
🚗Driven a stick shift.....yes
🚓Ridden in the back of a police car.....yes