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I Want to Tell You Some Little Facts About Me

Category One: Basic Info

Name: Alexis or Alex

Nickname: refer to username

DOB: 1994

Place of birth: Austin Texas

Height: 5'7 ish

Weight: not sure

Category two: this or that?

Coke or Pepsi?: both

BBQ or tomato?: BBQ

Black or white coffee?: neither

Tall or short?: tall

Sweet or sour?: sweet

Socks to bed, or no socks to bed?: no socks

Junk food or health food?: Junk food

The Hunger Games or Harry Potter?: love both but i have to go with Harry potter

Category three: How many...

How many Girlfriends: bout 5 now

How many languages you know: 1

How many countries you've visited: 1 (my own lol)

How many people you've kissed: romantically: 5, not romantically: 2

How many pets: 3

How many tattoos: 4

How many piercings: none

Category four: Tell me...

Tell me the name of an old crush: Lori

Tell me something we don't know about you: i fell for my sister's best friend when i was 18

Tell me the first thing you think of when you see the word "lame": Haters

Tell me the scariest thing to ever happen to you: to personal to say in a post if you really want to know just PM me

Tell me why you joined similar worlds: i was from EP

Tell me something random: I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!!!

Category five: favorites

Animal: Dogs

Food: Chicken!!!

Color: red and black (mainly red though)

Band or music artist: so many but if i had to pick just one it has to be Chrystalyne

Show: Doctor who

Clothing brand: don't go by brands

Movie: the Star Wars Saga

Website: YouTube

Ice cream flavor: peanut butter (yes i know lol)

YouTube channel: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Zero Period Production

Book: don't really read books anymore
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RoboChloe · 26-30, F
So I'm bored and procrastinating and I miss you so here I did the thing too.

Category One: Basic Info

Name: Chloë

Nickname: No

DOB: 1997

Place of birth: London, UK

Height: ~5'6"

Weight: It's been a few years since I've checked

Category two: this or that?

Coke or Pepsi?: Neither (Ugh, fizzy drinks are disgusting)

BBQ or tomato?: BBQ

Black or white coffee?: Neither

Tall or short?: Tall or short what? 🤔

Sweet or sour?: Sweet

Socks to bed, or no socks to bed?: No socks

Junk food or health food?: Both, and everything in between.

The Hunger Games or Harry Potter?: Harry Potter. Definitely.

Category three: How many...

How many Girlfriends: It's complicated

How many Boyfriends: 2

How many languages you know: 2.5

How many countries you've visited: 13

How many people you've kissed: ~9

How many pets: Alive: one cat. Dead: 3 fish. Unsure: one tortoise.

How many tattoos: None

How many piercings: None

Category four: Tell me...

Tell me the name of an old crush: Jess

Tell me something we don't know about you: I love singing. Even though it's embarrassing and I don't think I'm any good at all.

Tell me the first thing you think of when you see the word "lame": Me.

Tell me the scariest thing to ever happen to you: No way.

Tell me why you joined similar worlds: EP dissapeared and I missed it.

Tell me something random: Wanna buy some death sticks?

Category five: favorites

Animal: Phoenix (Do they have to be real? If so, cats. Or tortoises.)

Food: Pizza.

Color: Blue

Band or music artist: twenty one pilots

Show: Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Clothing brand: I couldn't care about clothing brands to save my life.

Movie: Howl's Moving Castle

Website: They're all evil.

Ice cream flavor: Cookie Dough

YouTube channel: I love loads of YouTube channels, but if I had to pick just one at this moment in time, it would be Door Monster.

Book: There are lots of great books I like. I don't really have a favourite.
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@RoboChloe wait you like star trek!!!
RoboChloe · 26-30, F
@DarthMalia Yep, I love it!
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@RoboChloe i was curious about a rp in that universe
AlleyNight69 · 31-35, T
Awesome facts,my name is Alex too by the way ^^
AlleyNight69 · 31-35, T
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: Um...can you tell me more what you're asking? Sorry.
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Nighdude55: what specifically is troubling you

im getting tired im gonna go to be night
AlleyNight69 · 31-35, T
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: K. Night. Pretty much how depressive and miserable my life is atm. Sweet dreams, sleep well Lexi
You're pretty cool :) You do seem vaguely familiar though.. 🤔 Are you Ariel Bloomer?! :D
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@SW-User thanks you too :)
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@SW-User :)
You see dead people???

What's so special in that??
We all can see people when they are dead,only blind people can't

@Ultimatewedgiegodess: 😔
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: I would like to know the scariest thing
But you said it is personal so...
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@FallenOptimist22: you can message me
5 girlfriends?? You just like, go through them? :D Or is it because all your true feelings are for your sisters BFF? ;b

"Lame": Shifty/Shady folks.

Scariest thing is too personal.
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@496sbc thanks
496sbc · 36-40, M
@DarthMalia ur totally welcome. I am here if ud ever liked to chat to. Im a good listener
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@496sbc ok thanks :)
Texas girls are the best!
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@LostSoul22: ok just wondering
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: Never hurts to have another Texas girl!
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@LostSoul22: lol im was born and raised in texas i dont live there anymore
Very detailed...
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@SW-User sorry lol we could be friends :)
@DarthMalia sure i will like it also.
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@SW-User great :)
Kungfuartist · 31-35, M
I'm from atx tooo:)
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Kungfuartist: ya bad memories
Kungfuartist · 31-35, M
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: ah sorry, hopefully things are better now
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Kungfuartist: ya much
I love that!!!! Got me thinking!!
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Blendingnotes likewise :)
Do you pm?
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Blendingnotes ya i do :)
Diyanne · F
You see dead people!! 😯
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Diyanne: i figured lol i was just saying lol
Diyanne · F
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: 😄😁
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Diyanne: 😊😘😛
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Andrew born 1990 in Dallas tx
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@TheRascallyOne well hello fello texan :) well dont know if i could still be called a texan since i haven't lived there for 5 years now lol
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@DarthMalia it's ok 😀
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
A very nice presentation. You seem to be an interesting person.😊
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
thank you :)
Latinalovr21 · 26-30, F
You sound great to get to know.
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Latinalovr21 lol thanks :) i try to be atleast somewhat interesting XD
Latinalovr21 · 26-30, F
more than somewhat id say.
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Latinalovr21 well thank you thats kind of you lol :)
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
I'm Andrew from Dallas Texas
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
a bunny from from Dallas nice lol
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: =:D
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@TheRascallyOne: lol
SierraMist27 · 31-35, M
Hey goddess can we talk?
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Marksta1: bored :) want to take this convo to the inbox?
SierraMist27 · 31-35, M
SierraMist27 · 31-35, M
You there ya nerd?
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DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@Angel01: well i dated the same gender back when it was taboo i guess that counts
Nice list, great to meet you
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
thank you :)
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A very complete set of!
So you like women not men ?
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@MaryAmI: its just something that you eventually feel its not a choice its just there
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: so I heard
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@MaryAmI: when people say that it usually means they dont believe it
Mikelee20 · M
Can we chat?
496sbc · 36-40, M
Dang that's your whole life lol
SpiritOfSoul · 31-35, F
Youre a totally naughty sweet sexy girl,baby 😉

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