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I Will Tell You 10 Things About Me

Sure, why not :)

1: I'm split heritage, mainly Danish and American.

2: I've lived in both places and am lucky enough to be a dual citizen.

3: I'm very curious about a great many things and love learning in general.

4: Said curiousness has made me into a suppository of obscure and arguably useless facts and information, but i like knowing them anyway.

5: I've always loved animals and have had many creatures around me so far.

6: I'm right on the verge of being introvert, in that i love the company of interesting and fun people, but at the same time value spending time on my own.

7: Mention a country in the world and there's a good chance i'll know something about it, some way more than others obviously.

8: I think a lot, about a lot. The best i've been able to do is slow down the cogs so far.

9: I listen to a lot of very different music, both for enjoyment, focus and other reasons.

10: I like taking walks preferably with company and just talk, about anything and everything, it's so undervalued.
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Datura · F
Have you ever taken the Myer Briggs Personality Inventory? Curious to know where you fall.
Axelerator · 31-35, M
@Datura Yes i have, quite a few times actually, i have scored ENFP (or the Visionary archetype, if you prefer) 100% of the times i've taken it :)
And yourself?
Datura · F
@Axelerator , I'm an INFJ. Like you, 100% of the time. The advocate.
Axelerator · 31-35, M
@Datura Interesting :)
That was interesting
Axelerator · 31-35, M
@SW-User Glad you thought so :)
I can relate to number 6.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Challenge! Tell me what you know about Sweden?

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