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I Care Way Too Much About What People Think About Me

Since there isn't a group that is the opposite of this group, I'll post my story here. Why does it matter that anyone knows anything about me? It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t hurt anymore if people laugh at my expense, criticize, bad-mouth, gossip about, misassume things about, judge, and/or label me and/or perceive me in ways I don’t agree with. What I think about myself can only hurt or help me. What others, including people I care about and/or love, think about me can’t hurt me because I don’t overvalue or undervalue their opinions of me. Opinions aren’t facts so they can’t be true or false, but they can be supported and opposed. How others perceive us can be their projections of themselves to us; the qualities they say we have or don’t have are the qualities they have or don’t have, but are afraid to admit. For example, someone can say that we are stupid and not good, even though we believe it isn’t true, but the person who said it to us, is truly the one who believes he or she is stupid and not good. Insults and compliments can’t make me feel bad or good because I don’t give meaning to them. The things that influence how I feel are my thoughts--the way I perceive, interpret, or give meaning to an event or situation. I feel bad or good if I dislike or like what I did, said, felt, or thought.
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joahola98wj · 36-40, F
@WearOutKyd I remember you from Experience Project. I liked many of the stories you posted there.
WearOutKyd · 36-40, M
Really like this. Thank you for posting.
xCorvo · 26-30, M
The only person's opinion that should matter is yours..that's why when people like to tell me that my opinion of myself doesn't match the majority, I say the same thing: why does it doesn't.. if you like something about yourself, then who cares what anyone else thinks ;)
joahola98wj · 36-40, F
@-Corvo I agree. That was my main point.

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