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I Will Tell You 10 Things About Me

Im a hair student
I love candles
I love to travel
I have spiritual connection to iceland
I hate drugs and alcohol
Im a yogi that needs to get back into yoga
I Love vintage everything
My hair is short and i feel people judge me because of it
My room has been a mess for a number of months and I dont know how to clean it
and I'm horrible at commitments
Pherick · 41-45, M
I feel like those first two items could be a dangerous combo :)
Pherick · 41-45, M
@saezaur I feel like thats not the best way to handle split ends :)
saezaur · 22-25, F
@Pherick its called magic lol
Pherick · 41-45, M
@saezaur Magic is the best way to handle anything really!
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
i can honestly say i've never heard a hairdressing trainee refer to themselves as a "hair student".
saezaur · 22-25, F
@SusanInFlorida well whatever ya wanna call it thats me :)

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