I Hate Pictures Of Myself
Which is why I take very few. Probably around one a month. I just don't like seeing my face. My body is decent enough to see, just not my face lol I wish I had more confidence. Sometimes me refusing to take new pictures hurts my friendships and potential friendships. I've been called a fake for refusing to send people "new" pictures. Though I sent new photos to people sometimes if I feel they're deserving of it. But I refuse to send three, four, five pics to someone in one day. That's been my most recent problem. I'm not fake! I just hate pictures! Hell I even ask to identify myself by other ways like by voice or by video. But nooooo guess that's to much of a hassle for them. Little do they know that me seeing my own face is a hassle for me. I get anxious, upset, and just plain disgusted. I don't like makeup. But I hear the "wear it and you'll look better". Ha... I don't even like how I look or feel wearing it I've tried many times. The worst part was having to take it off and see even more of the covered flaws, lines, marks, and acne scars.
I will message you a picture of me if we begin to talk and get close. I don't openly put myself in profile pictures or things like that. The risk of it getting stolen or manipulated is pretty high.
It's not easy for everyone to take a selfie even though in the age we live in its advertised like it is. Like everyone should be doing it. I guess all I have to say is to try being considerate of others and what they're boundaries are.
I will message you a picture of me if we begin to talk and get close. I don't openly put myself in profile pictures or things like that. The risk of it getting stolen or manipulated is pretty high.
It's not easy for everyone to take a selfie even though in the age we live in its advertised like it is. Like everyone should be doing it. I guess all I have to say is to try being considerate of others and what they're boundaries are.