Most of us are walking through life with scripts we never wrote.....
We carry childhood with us in ways we rarely understand. Sometimes, it’s not just memories we inherit, it’s the beliefs, fears and limits handed down by others who were shaped by their own brokenness. This is the quiet, often invisible inheritance of childhood: The unspoken lessons that taught us how to protect ourselves, who to trust, how to love – and sometimes, how to disappear. When we’re young, we’re sponges, absorbing what we see and hear, storing it all away, not knowing that these early teachings will become the blueprints of our lives. Maybe we learned that love must be earned, that we’re only as good as our achievements, or that hiding parts of ourselves makes us safer. We carry these lessons forward, acting them out long after we’re free to choose differently. And often, we don’t even realize that these habits are borrowed, handed down and not born from who we really are. But here’s the truth: You are not bound to this programming; you don’t have to keep living according to a script you didn’t write. Healing is the process of unlearning, of tracing back to those childhood messages and asking: Is this truly mine? It's painful work, peeling back those layers and confronting the things we’ve accepted as truths. But in that pain lies freedom-the freedom to reparent yourself, to choose beliefs that lift you rather than limit you, to love without conditions, to let yourself be seen in all your truth. You are allowed to break the cycle. You are allowed to rewrite the script and it’s never too late to reclaim the life that belongs to you, not the one dictated by a past you’ve outgrown.