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Vanlife.... 10 dogs just erupted into barking for a minute and then stopped

I have the next two days off so I decided to park the night along a hiking trail. I've done this spot a few times before, quite comfortable with it. I pulled up around midnight (worked late), and have to be gone around 7. Laying here, finishing dinner, and a chorus of dogs burst out howling. Sounds about ten or so. No houses nearby, and I know the woods.

So I peek my head up, and see nothing. A street lamp is nearby, illuminating everything.

Then they stop. Dead silence.

I've camped in a tent in this area many times. Never once encountered a dog.

Outside of Iraq, I've only encountered dog packs once, and it was in basic training at Fort Benning. When people get deployed to a base in Korea, they will oftentimes release their dog into the woods. If it is brought to a shelter, high risk of it being euthanized, and so they just release them instead. Fort Benning is massive, and you end up with multiple dog packs roaming the wild. You can hear them at night barking. Nobody ever sends dog catchers or armed units after them because the idea of hunting them creeps everyone out, knowing they are essentially identical to their own dogs. So they are left alone to be.

So now I'm wondering where this pack of wild dogs came from. I know the animal shelters have been packed with so many unable to feed their dogs anymore due to the Kamala Inflation, with her shutting down the red sea by starting a war with the Houthi. I'm thinking these dogs were released for similar reasons as at Fort Benning and they naturally joined up into a pack.

I'm feeling quite safe in the van. I'm gonna get some sleep.
justcallmenameless1 · 36-40, F
Maybe a pack of coyotes
@justcallmenameless1 The coyotes haven't crossed the Ohio River yet.

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