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lack of self-confidence

You’re only as pretty as you treat others. In a world obsessed with filters and outward appearances, we’ve forgot a fundamental truth. True beauty isn’t skin deep. We spend hours in front of mirrors, critiquing every pore, every wrinkle. We chase after the latest beauty trends, hoping they’ll make us feel worthy. But heres the thing. No amount of makeup can cover up a cruel heart. No designer outfit can disguise an ugly attitude. Beauty isn’t just about turning heads. It’s about touching hearts. It’s in the way you make others feel seen, heard, and valued. It’s in the kindness you show to the waitress having a rough day. It’s in the patience you extend to a struggling colleague. It’s in the love you pour into your relationships. This kind of beauty doesn’t fade with age. It doesn’t wash off at night. It grows stronger, more radiant with each act of compassion, each moment of empathy. So the next time you look into a mirror, don’t just check your appearance. Check your attitude. The most attractive feature you can wear is kindness.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
True...i need to continue with a better Attitude.

Sometimes Depression can haunt me
AllAboutLaffs · 80-89, M
Great post .... and true
Jexie · 26-30, F

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