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You are the author of your own life

This post just changed your life for the better. You never thought of it quite like that before. Your perspective has miraculously shifted for the better. You were deeply moved by it and feel compelled to start making some much needed changes.

For the words with in this post revealed in a concise yet profound way, how things you once thought impossible, now seem somehow in reach. It makes you realize how short and precious your life is, and how you've been holding yourself back all this time, not the world as you've been taught to think.

The words written before you act like an inspiring reminder of how it's time to start embodying your deeper more authentic self. As you read it further you even find yourself beguiled and drawn to all the new possibilities, and a growing appreciation for all those you love and those who love you.

As soon as you finish reading it, you put it all together, how only you could have possibly written it in such a relevant way to have such a personal impact. For you wrote this post, just as you are the author of your own life.

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