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Choosing to stand up for whats right is not the same as being someone who enjoys arguing

This sounds so stupidly obvious now I've realised it... but i just figured out that being a person who stands up for what they believe in is not the same as being someone who enjoys confrontation.

For years I've always felt a certain amount of shame and have been labelled as 'someone who likes arguing' because I will often speak out when I see something that I think isn't right. I have a real thing about always doing whats right. That often presents in a positive way... going out of my way to help others. But it also often presents in a more aggressive way in cases where i see someone harming or disrespecting others. Because of that... i got the 'likes causing drama and arguing label' that I've always been ashamed of.

However.... i recently had to stand up to a horrible person. (For HP fans... think professor umbridge). They have caused a lot of harm and upset to so many.... not by necessarily being a bad person but by being heartless and caring only about figures on paper. I was given an opportunity to have a meeting with her and because shes not my boss... I thought I'd take the chance to give a few home truths and tell her how her attitude is greatly harming others. I have been dreading this meeting for days, getting anxious about it at night and during the meeting i had to keep my hands pressed against my thighs so she couldnt see my hands shake. At some point i found myself wondering why i was so nervous because arguing "is what i do" and i had a proper lightbulb moment where i realised just because I choose not to look the other way and to stand up for what I think is right, is not the same as picking arguements because I enjoy it.

Its so stupid obvious now I realise it. I guess i just wanted to make the point here in case theres anyone out there who is the same and hasn't had their lightbulb moment yet. Maybe i can save you the years of shame I've felt about myself 🙈 I'd love to know if anyone else is the same?
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I tend to just be myself. Not much arguing. I like to listen. And I have this tendency to actually be bowled over by the words of others, spoken or written, to the extent that I "feel" them to be indisputable truth as I hear them or read them. I need solitude to get back to myself. To see through what has been said.

But yes, some just like to argue. Some have absorbed opinions, become "conformed" to the spirit of the age as it has imposed itself upon them. Then being right "justifies" them. The actual reality and import and consequences of their views are not thought of by them in any profound way. They simply want to be right, win the argument.

I'm waffling.......

RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@SW-User that's really interesting. do you find that feeling things that way is a good thing becaue it makes you more understanding of others or do you find it hard because you're taking on so many other peoples emotions?
@RebelHeart It is just something I have noticed more and more - that I can't simply dismiss any opinion, or censor it, while I actually listen or read. I seem to absorb it as truth. It is maybe why I find a lot of religious believers disturbing.

In the past I have been called a hypocrite, a liar and damned more than once by others. I have even been called the antichrist. I am a vulnerable person (no matter what impression I give) Such words and judgements were not water off a ducks back. I'm tougher now though.

But reading your words, maybe, yes, it could bring out a degree of empathy for others, of seeing through the eyes of others.

Thank you for your perspective.

All the best
FrozenWasteland · 61-69, M
Given what you wrote, I think you should accept that 'likes causing drama and arguing' label with gratitude and wear it with pride. It's a mark of strength, of steadfastness and courage, even if some people are in the wrong frame of mind to see it for what it really is.

There have been times that I've done similar things, sometimes even saying them to my boss. Not always well received -- which is maybe part of the reason I work for myself now.

I'm so glad your lightbulb went on -- it's ok to be proud of you.
RebelHeart · 36-40, F
@FrozenWasteland Thats very kind. thank you 😊

very ballsy to say it to your boss! although sounds like a good move if you're now working for yourself
I love that you e had this moment, this thought. I hope it gives you bravery and the confidence you will need going in front of a an Umbridge. Doing the right thing is hard. And they may not take it well but you’re doing the right thing. Did not let the bullies win.
funfan · 51-55, M
RH, this post was so extraordinary that I bookmarked it to read again later. Every post that mentions the 'Wizarding World' 🪄 deserves that anyway, right? Although...I don't think anyone would stand up to defend Voldemort 😂
I think you should take some pride in saying something when you think things are just not right.

I'm sorry that you felt any shame about this; I hope that this realization means that you won't let people control you by threatening to stuff you into the "just wants to argue" box.
I am here to applaud that aspect of yours.

I prefer to leave the place, if right stays invisible for long.
Dino11 · M
Free speech, can’t beat it
Fair point. 😊
I stand up against blatant hypocrisy, double standards, and BS. Especially when it's obvious and they deny deny deny.
"Don't p!ss down my back and tell me it's raining."
Unfortunately, some make that accusation specifically to silence people. It’s easier to dismiss someone as a "troublemaker" than to consider the possible merit in what they’re saying.
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BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
"Someone who likes arguing" is a term used by people who START the argument and then use that phrase to stop you/embarrassing you into NOT arguing back
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M

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