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Reality Check : A Week In The Life Of Cassandra...

We all think that the grass is always greener on the other side. Social media, I guess, adds to that and people think that this other person is cool and 'livin la vida loca', sweeties....and I do get messages - nice ones - that are complimentary and, almost, feel like they're trying to put you on a Pedistool...

Not for me. I'm just your average, everyday T-Girl...

So...is my life all parties and hanging out with beautiful people? No. Life, at the moment, is a bit of a struggle....not just for me, but for everyone...but we make the most of it, don't we?

So....it's all about getting up, getting ready and going to work on the monday, coming home...and on the way home, doing a little shopping....shower, change...have friends over for meal and drinks....then bed...

Up....showered and changed....work again...some meetings....some fighting fires...get home....get changed....do some pole dancing training...cooking....meal with my fiancé....then...bed.

Up....cleaning...showered and change...work....lots of hardware issues....home...changed....church....changed...pole dancing training...shower...meal...bit of a difference of opinion with my fella....bed...

Up...showered and changed....work....boring day....lunch with my friend out of work.....home...showered and changed.....meal out with my fella...fun evening....bed.....

Up....cleaning....showered and changed....work....fun day....home...shower and changed....out with friends...few drinks and meal....home....slightly merry....bed....

Up late on Saturday....breakfast in bed....big clean....shower and changed....big shop.....home...changed....pole dancing training......showered and changed....out for meal and drinks with fella and friends.....home....bed....

...and, today? Up late.....showered and changed....church later....and just a very relaxed day all told....

So, far from being glam or sexy or anything like that.

This is how lil Cass rolls, sweeties...Real life. Real world.

Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Same shit every day only thing when you’re older don’t get up as early
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@Havesomefun2 Exactly!
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
That is a normal life!!
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@PTCdresser57 I know, sweetie! That's why I posted it! ☺️
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Life in general is monotonous Cassandra....even when retired like myself.

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