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daily rants

These past few days I have been feeling tired even though I'm resting and I am looking for answers why even though you're not moving or doing something that makes me feel tired, I still feel tired, fortunately, I saw a video that says if you want to rest you need also to relax your mind if you're going to rest just clear your mind first and make sure you don't overthink since you are resting, it says that even you only use your mind, you can still feel tired. I suppose that's why I'm constantly exhausted even when I'm resting: when laying on the couch with my back on the couch, I keep thinking that I should be doing my schoolwork instead of relaxing here.
howareyou · 16-17, F
You not physically exhausted, you are just mentally exhausted, and its fine!
when you relax and think this, if you feel like you should do it, then go do it and if you feel like you want to relax then relax, but keep you gadgets away and try to relax and clear your mind so that you can be fresh again!
Only you can make yourself feel better cuz in this this world, we have to be there for ourselves noone else can be there for us everytime!
If you feel like you are going through something, talk about it, or take necessary actions, go to the doctor, do what you think is right, but try not to do something bad and I hope you know what I'm talking bout!
You can do it, you can feel fresh again, I trust in you!💗✨
itnotme · 18-21
@howareyou thank u very much, u're the sweetest <3
howareyou · 16-17, F
@itnotme aw you are very kind! I hope you are feeling better💗
If you ever wanna talk you can talk to me!
itnotme · 18-21
@howareyou i appreciate ur concern, don't worry i would definitely love to interact with u 🤝
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
My problem is it runs subconscios stress in the background all the time (CPTSD) So even if I consciously have cleated my miknd and let me relax, my traumatic brain won't let me.
Iwantout · 26-30, M
I felt the same way the last two or three days maybe it's allergies or something
itnotme · 18-21
@Iwantout it's not about allergies or something sweetie, you felt that because ur mind was occupied too much and it's normal <3
Iwantout · 26-30, M
@itnotme no I said that it might be allergies cuz I've been feeling the same way if you also feel the same way it seems logical that it's something in the air
itnotme · 18-21
@Iwantout oh, then i am hoping other people won't breathe the same air as ours

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